What is the timeframe required by DragonPrices to process and dispatch my order?

The preparation duration for each product is indicated alongside its availability. For the majority of products, the preparation period is estimated at 24/48 hours. If your order solely comprises items marked for immediate delivery and is paid for before noon, it could potentially be shipped on the same day.

The delivery duration hinges on the chosen shipping company and the destination country. It’s important to note that the stated delivery period is an approximation and pertains to business days, excluding weekends and official holidays.

Which countries are eligible for order shipment through DragonPrices?

DragonPrices operates with automated processes and facilitates shipping to nearly all countries worldwide via express courier services. However, shipments bound for destinations outside the European Union (EU) might be subject to specific restrictions or unique protocols pertaining to customs procedures. In the case of dropshipping orders outside the EU, it is essential to attach the invoice issued to your customer within the order menu of your control panel.

Is it possible to send shipments to the Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla?

DragonPrices does provide shipping services to the Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla. It’s important to note that these orders must go through customs procedures. If you are not registered as a Spanish exporter, dropshipping shipments to the Canary Islands, Ceuta, or Melilla will not be feasible. The only viable approach is for you to receive the order at your store and subsequently reship it to your client.

What are the associated shipping costs and delivery timelines?

You have the capability to estimate shipping costs and delivery durations within the DragonPrices shopping cart independently.

Does DragonPrices offer package tracking?

Certainly, you have the option to track any package and access the tracking number directly from your control panel.

What does the shipping fee encompass?
The shipping fee covers:

  • Appropriate packaging materials (cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, inner protection, etc.)
  • Transportation services
  • Insurance coverage
  • Customs clearance processes at the point of origin

What’s encompassed within the shipping fees for deliveries outside the European Union or to destinations such as the Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla?

In instances involving deliveries beyond the European Union or destined for the Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla, the shipping charges do not encompass customs fees at the delivery location or other taxes (duties). If these charges are applicable, it becomes the recipient’s responsibility to cover them, along with any import-related expenses and taxes levied by the destination customs. This includes scenarios where the products are either successfully delivered or declined by the recipient. While we strive for swift order delivery, it’s essential to consider the import regulations of the destination country, as DragonPrices assumes no liability for them or the repercussions stemming from circumstances beyond its control, such as strikes, armed conflicts, or similar events. Furthermore, DragonPrices cannot be held accountable for delays in customs clearance or the potential confiscation of any items within the shipment as determined by local authorities.

What if you realize you need to make a change after placing an order?

If changes are required for certain shipping address details and the order has not been processed yet, adjustments can be made. To initiate this, kindly raise an “order not received” incident within the After Sales Department. Our team will promptly address your request. In cases outside this scope, the recommended approach is to cancel the existing order and initiate a new one. Following the cancellation, DragonPrices will process a refund for the canceled order within a few days.

How to initiate an order cancellation?

If you intend to cancel an order and halt the shipment process, you can initiate the cancellation procedure through the Orders section within your Control Panel.

It is important to note that, owing to the extensive automation employed in order management, the window for canceling an order may be limited. The cancellation process operates automatically, and as a result, if the system doesn’t permit cancellation, it may no longer be viable.

We strongly recommend conducting a thorough review of your orders, encompassing delivery addresses, quantities, product attributes, and overall amounts, before proceeding with the finalization to ensure accuracy.

What steps should you take upon receiving a shipment?

Every item dispatched from our warehouse comes with impeccable packaging.

Here’s a systematic approach to follow:

  1. Count Packages: Start by verifying that the number of received packages corresponds to the quantity dispatched.
  2. External Inspection: Thoroughly examine each package’s external condition. Pay meticulous attention to any indications of impact or mishandling, such as dents, scratches, punctures, shabby boxes, tampered courier seals, or any observable signs that may suggest potential damage to the contents.
  3. Actionable Notes: When the mentioned signs are evident, it is imperative to document the situation. Provide a signature and include a note on the courier’s delivery document. This can be done on paper or through digital means like a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). If damage signs are detected, ensure the note states “PACKAGE VISIBLY DAMAGED.” Failing to label a package as “VISIBLY DAMAGED” and subsequently presenting images showing evident damage could result in the dismissal of the incident.

For those engaged in Dropshipping, capitalize on the order confirmations sent to your customers. Educate them about this essential practice, mirroring how DragonPrices communicates with its distributors.

How can I track my shipment?

We will send you all the details of your shipment in order to be able to track it.

What shipping options does DragonPrices offer?

Currently, DragonPrices provides three distinct shipping alternatives:

  1. Service without Proof of Delivery (POD): This pertains to a postal service lacking a signature requirement upon order delivery. It’s important to note that this option carries a certain degree of risk in terms of potential disputes concerning the delivery. In the context of DragonPrices, this is visually indicated by an envelope.
  2. Service with Proof of Delivery (POD): In this scenario, the service includes a mandatory signature upon order delivery. This offers a higher level of assurance. On DragonPrices, you can identify this choice by the depiction of a box alongside a pencil.
  3. Pallet Service: This encompasses delivery conducted via a pallet. It’s essential to consider that for this option, an easily accessible unloading area is necessary, along with suitable machinery and facilities to accommodate the receipt of the pallet delivery.
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